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Características principales

Título del libro
Big Surprise 3 - Activity Book + Skills Record Book
Mohamed, Sue
Inglés Internacional
Editorial del libro
Oxford University Press
Tapa del libro
Con índice
Año de publicación

Otras características

  • Peso: 423 g

  • Material de la tapa del libro: Carton

  • Con páginas para colorear: No

  • Con realidad aumentada: No

  • Tipo de narración: Manual

  • Tamaño del libro: Normal

  • Edad mínima recomendada: 8 años

  • Edad máxima recomendada: 10 años

  • Escrito en imprenta mayúscula: No

  • ISBN: 9780194516228


Big Surprise! is the course that brings imagination and excitement into the classroom. A special surprise at the start of each unit focuses attention and creates a sense of curiosity and wonder. Big Surprise! captivates classes with a rich variety of beautifully-illustrated stories, and exciting new songs, chants, animations and plays make learning fun and memorable. With engaging cross-curricular and culture content, and support for mixed-ability classes, open up Big Surprise! and discover the wealth of resources for your dynamic English classroom. A wide variety of story genres and presentation options engage children's imagination and inspire them to learn. DVD with exciting live-action songs, animations and CLIL clips make learning fun. iPack with additional games and videos for use on interactive whiteboards engages the attention of the whole class. Catchy new tunes, with added video support, will get your class rocking! Plays with live performances levels 3-6 on the DVD. Review lessons of cultural interest supported by fun facts and full-colour photos get children thinking about other subjects and their own life experiences. Extra communication activities and authentic photo-stories bring English to life. Support for mixed-ability classes: a four-level worksheet pack helps with efficient classroom management. Free skills book helps parents get involved with their child's learning. Specific external exam practice activities in every unit in levels 3-6, plus challenge level tests, pave the way to exam success.

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Somos Kirker y Didon, librerías con más de 20 años de experiencia en la venta de libros nuevos y usados. Contamos con una gran variedad de títulos, de diversos géneros y temáticas.


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